These Charms May Be Sung Over a Wound (2020)

In their Memorious Earth series of recordings and publications, Autumn Richardson & Richard Skelton incorporated material from Anglo-Saxon leechdoms into their various compositions. Given the environmental focus of their work, it is significant that these centuries-old medicinal and magical tracts included spells and incantations to restore the fecundity of the land itself.

Skelton had written about sound itself as a ‘viscous, healing liquid’ in his 2009 book Landings, and so it is perhaps unsurprising that he makes the connection between incantations and music on this new recording. The title of the album itself is adapted from a leechdom fragment:

‘Sing also this many times, “May earth bear on thee with all her might and main.” These charms a man may sing over a wound.’

Released on vinyl by Phantom Limb.




Scaleby XII