‘Their work - sometimes jointly authored — is minutely attentive to the specificities of the gone and the will-be-gone.’
Robert Macfarlane (The Guardian)
The Singing of Minutiae (2011-2015)
Part of a series of collaborative works, entitled Memorious Earth, produced with Autumn Richardson in response to the landscape of the Furness Fells in south-western Cumbria, UK.
The Singing of Minutiae amplifies acts of attention towards the overlooked, the seemingly inconsequential, the trodden underfoot. The glass phials act as a magnifying lens, providing greater focus, whilst also offering a kind of protection that gestures towards broader environmental concerns. Their apothecarial quality alludes to the medicinal and esoteric properties of plants and elements themselves.
Material from Memorious Earth has been exhibited internationally.
[Memorious Earth at Corbel Stone Press]